FCA Upstate Lacrosse kicked-off the summer season with Training Camp, which according to our players, “It’s the best weekend of the year”. While this year will look a little different, the smiles from our coaches, athletes, and staff will bring a since of nostalgia and joy. Over the course of 2 weekends, we will be hosting 18 teams, which covers over 300 athletes and 54 Coaches. The goal of training camp and our lacrosse club is that we wouldn’t just grow in our skills and performance on the field, but that each coach and athlete would have a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church on and off the field. The lacrosse has been excellent, and fun. It’s been great to see the players so excited to see each other again after a crazy year of uncertainty, obstacles, and isolation. For me, the best part of Training Camp so far has been, how God is moving in our Huddle time, and the conversations that are taking place. This year our National FCA theme is Pursue. It’s based out of 1 Timothy 6:11 that states: “Purse righteousness and a godly life, along with faith, love, perseverance, and gentleness.” The Pursue theme has fostered deep conversations about what our players are pursuing, and most importantly to tell them the greatest pursuit of their life is after Jesus, well after training camp is over.
- Katie Tutak | Upstate NY FCA Lacrosse Operations - Girls Director
FCA Upstate NY
152 Mt. Path
Middleburgh, NY 12122