My name is Thomas Ryan and my wife and I have 3 amazing children and also serve as college pastors at the University at Buffalo, State University of New York. We have been serving there since 2009. I also work full time as an engineering manager. We met Jake Hannon in 2022 where we heard the mission and vision of FCA. That summer our oldest son played in the flag football league and I started coaching. After seeing the program and learning more about FCA’s vision and mission, and how they are lived out, we knew we needed to be involved. I became an ambassador in 2023 and will be leading the flag football league for the Buffalo location.
I went to high school at Marcus Whitman where I wrestled (98 wins), played track (pole vault), and played Football (Section 5 Class C most valuable defensive back award, senior year we were undefeated in league play and after winning the Section V title, advanced to the Class C state semifinals, ranked #2 in the state). In college I played wing and fullback on the Club Rugby team and I also played for the Buffalo Men’s Rugby team for 4 years after college.
Seeing Jesus Christ glorified in sports and athlete’s lives transformed is what excites me the most about FCA. Being able to coach young athletes and model for them following Jesus, as well as equipping and empowering them to walk with Jesus and lead others to follow Him is one of my greatest joys.
I am an elder and highly involved at my church, Love Joy Church in Lancaster NY.
FCA Upstate NY
152 Mt. Path
Middleburgh, NY 12122