
Local Area FCA Blog

Dave's Blog

November 16, 2021
Another year in the books of FCA Motocross & Off-Road Training Camp NY is complete and what a year! This was year 7 of NY camp and year 2 of transitioning from a kids’ training camp to a training camp that included the whole family! FCAMX Camp is 4 days/3 nights every August up in Remsen, NY on a private training facility that property owners Dan & Jodi Hudon built just for FCA! The families stay overnight on site in their campers, train motocross and off-road during the day and attend our ministry program each evening. This year we had over 240 people in attendance that consisted of kids, moms and dads riding and over 60 volunteers. We brought in 22 top level trainers from all over the country to help in our training program. This consisted of local experts as well as pros that race on the national level. This year was special as Pro Free Style Pioneer Ronnie Faisst from Kansas joined us for training and ministry. Ronnie pioneered the sport of Freestyle MX back in the early 2000’s with Brian Deegan, Mike Metzger and Travis Pastrana. Ronnie was a several time medalists in the Gravity Games, XGames and traveled the world doing events with Tony Hawk, Metal Militia Nuclear Cowboys, and The Warped and Dew Tours. Ronnie was featured in many Freestyle MX videos and on ESPN. In 2008, he gave his heart to Jesus and now combines his love for Moto with his love for Jesus. Ronnie was a great addition to this year’s FCA MX & Off-Road NY Camp! Our ministry program is our purpose and focus. Each evening was filled with worship, testimony and great preaching with Pastor Frank Thomas and Ronnie Faisst sharing his testimony. The message of God’s love through Jesus was shared and a time of altar ministry with opportunity was given on the last night. It was a great time of ministry, and many responded to the Lord’s invitation on the last evening. Each year we collect comment cards on the last day with many questions but 3 specific questions to their time involved in the ministry program. 19 people commented they received Jesus as their personal savior for the first time, 31 recommitted their life and relationship with Jesus and 20 said they are now more aware of what God requires and the need for salvation but did not make a decision (seeds!). Over 240 people heard the Love message of our Lord! We will finish the year with a few more events, attending year end award banquets for 3 different racing associations and we just finished with the Syracuse Stadium Cross at the NYS Fairgrounds. We are invited to these events and given the opportunity to pray for the event, share about the FCA ministry and specific events we are doing throughout the year. In the Spring, we will start up again with hauling the FCAMX trailer to area racing events where we set up, do track side ministry and have chapel services on weekends. We are very blessed and excited to be able to share the message of God’s love through His Son Jesus with well over a thousand people each year through FCA and the sport of Motocross! Thank You Jesus! For more information on FCA Motocross & Off-Road in NY contact Ed Stratton at
July 28, 2021
CLICK THE IMAGE ABOVE TO LISTEN! "For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires" Hebrews 4:12
June 10, 2021
FCA Upstate Lacrosse kicked-off the summer season with Training Camp, which according to our players, “It’s the best weekend of the year”. While this year will look a little different, the smiles from our coaches, athletes, and staff will bring a since of nostalgia and joy. Over the course of 2 weekends, we will be hosting 18 teams, which covers over 300 athletes and 54 Coaches. The goal of training camp and our lacrosse club is that we wouldn’t just grow in our skills and performance on the field, but that each coach and athlete would have a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church on and off the field. The lacrosse has been excellent, and fun. It’s been great to see the players so excited to see each other again after a crazy year of uncertainty, obstacles, and isolation. For me, the best part of Training Camp so far has been, how God is moving in our Huddle time, and the conversations that are taking place. This year our National FCA theme is Pursue. It’s based out of 1 Timothy 6:11 that states: “Purse righteousness and a godly life, along with faith, love, perseverance, and gentleness.” The Pursue theme has fostered deep conversations about what our players are pursuing, and most importantly to tell them the greatest pursuit of their life is after Jesus, well after training camp is over. - Katie Tutak | Upstate NY FCA Lacrosse Operations - Girls Director
May 27, 2021
 For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Romans 10:12-13 While it may seem hard to believe, in today’s world, phones are still the number one communication device that we use. When they were first created, the ability to pick up the phone and talk to someone who lives anywhere changed the world in a dramatic way. In my line of work, I spend about 90 percent of my time on the phone, or constructing a plan for who I am going to call that day. I love it because it is a way to connect with people. My reasons for a call vary: I might want to invite someone to do something, or need something from someone, or maybe I need to communicate with someone a feeling I have for them, or even just to order take-out! While my reasons for a call may differ, all of them denote that there is a relationship I have with someone. When I reflect on my daily schedule, I ask myself, “How much of my time do I spend calling on God, the most important relationship I have above all others?” When I have questions and need answers about a relationship or a life situation, do I call on Him first, and Him alone? Calling on God is not about “checking off” the Ten Commandments, it’s a way of connecting with Him and seeking His will for our lives above all else. In Romans 10 Paul reminds “everyone,” … Jew and Gentiles alike, that when we call on God, He is rich to us and we will be saved. So, why wouldn’t we want to call on Him for everything? If we are not sensing His richness in our lives, and security in our eternal purpose, we are probably not calling on Him. When we as Believers call on Him for our strength and His richly blessings, then He will be glorified and we will be saved.
April 29, 2021
Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it. 1 Peter 3:15 Recently, I had a rare opportunity to go to Wegmans by myself, without any of my three young children in tow. I was looking forward to getting through the list in a more efficient manner than normal. While in the checkout line, the cashier who was a young woman began to share about the disparaging remarks that had been directed to her by not just one, but two of the prior customers. She offered these remarks to me unsolicited which told me that she was really hurt by what had taken place. I offered the first thought that came to mind and so I said, “What people say to you is not a reflection of who you are.” She looked at me and asked, “Are you some kind of inspirational speaker?” I told her that I wasn’t, but that I really believed what I had just said to her. As she continued to load the cart, my mind quickly drifted back to my eagerness to be on my way. As I left the store and made my way through the parking lot, the verse from 1 Peter came to mind, “… you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks you about your Christian hope, always be ready to explain it.” (1 Peter 3:15). I knew that in my haste to finish my shopping, I had missed an opportunity. Some other responses began to run through my mind about what I could have, and should have said when she asked “who am I”. Sometimes, as Christians we can spend a lot of time “preaching” to people who may not be ready to hear it. But here, this young woman had noticed something different in me, and had specifically asked me about who I was, and I failed to let her know that who I am is a reflection of God at work in me. This incident was a reminder to me that if I am living it, and am asked about it, I must have an answer prepared that both pleases and glorifies Him. I am not holding on to the guilt I felt that day, because I know God has all things in hand. I share my experience to encourage us to be prepared to give Him the credit when someone notices something “different” about us.
April 15, 2021
Student-athletes from around the Rochester area meet every other Wednesday via Zoom for group FCA ministry to come together and talk about faith and how it relates in the lives of student-athletes. Adrienne Cali of Roberts Wesleyan has done a magnificent job of getting athletes together for these FCA group huddle meetings. I must give a shout out to the SUNY Geneseo student-athletes as they represent a super majority of attendees! Go Knights! Members of this group take turns sharing the lead to minister to the group. I was asked to lead the FCA huddle group a few weeks ago. I asked the group what topics or questions they wanted me to present on. The question 'why do bad things happen to good people?' was the topic to prepare and minister on. This question is perhaps one of the most difficult questions to answer in all of theology. I was intimidated by this question, especially because I do not have a background in theology. I am the women's and men's head cross country coach at SUNY Geneseo with a degree in psychology. What do I know about theology? I was raised in a Bible believing household and grew up going to church and part of youth groups. This was my theology training, but I was not formally educated on the topic. What did I just get myself into? I am sure we all have experienced pain and suffering at one time or another, and perhaps some are even going through a hardship right now. Like most, I have experienced extreme hardships. For example, my sister went to be with her lord and savior Jesus Christ after a seven and a half year battle with brain cancer in 2015. She was as "good" of a person as I have known and I thought it was completely unfair that such a "bad" thing happened to such a "good" person. So the question 'why do bad things happen to good people?' especially hit home for me. This journey I went on ignited something deep within me that I cannot quite describe. I now have an insatiable appetite to learn more about theology and research tough questions that are difficult to answer. If you know me, I am a big 'why' person. I don't just want to know the answer, but I want to know why. I don't think I ever really understood why my sister was taken at such a young age, especially because she was a faithful follower of Jesus and she could have done some much more good in this world. I simply just accepted this as God's will and put my faith in Him and that everything would work out because the Bible states that "We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). Knowing this didn't help me to help others who did not share the same faith as me ask the question why my sister got a brain tumor and died as a result. This journey of researching and presenting to the FCA huddle deepened my faith. I truly enjoy exploring God's word more than ever. I am spending more time in his word and in prayer. I am so thankful for how God is using the FCA ministry to deepen my faith and walk with Jesus. I am happy to share the results of my findings about the question, "why do bad things happen to good people?" Please email me at and I am happy to share! I also meet weekly with Cody Foster in a small group coach's huddle. We worked through the entire chapter of John, analyzing and challenging each other with tough questions. We are now working through the book Discipleship Essentials by Greg Ogden. I look forward to meeting with this group every week because I learn so much from each member of the group. I deeply appreciate what each member has to share and how we each bring our unique perspectives to the group. This is one of my favorite parts to my week. One of the biggest takeaways from this group is that "God does not call the equipped, but he equips the called." Cody said this to the group in one of our weekly meetings and that has really stuck with me. Now more than ever, I feel that I am being called to be a messenger of God's word and to share the good news of the Gospel. This group is equipping me to help gain confidence and boldly share the good news of Jesus. I am deeply thankful and appreciate everyone in the small group.
April 2, 2021
Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you. John 16:7  Having the advantage over your opponent in sports or in life is an interesting place to be. On one hand, it is exactly the position you desire. On the other hand, you know just how fragile the position is and that it can be lost at any moment even with the slightest misstep. I can remember as I was running the only marathon I have ever attempted to run in my life feeling as though I had the advantage. After completing the first twenty miles in three hours, I was feeling great and had my goal of completion under four hours in sight. With 6.2 miles remaining, I hit the proverbial “wall” and any advantage that I felt I had was suddenly gone. It took me one hour and twenty-two minutes to finish the race. I had clearly lost the advantage. As Jesus was preparing his followers for his departure, He described how in leaving them it would actually be to their advantage. Conversely to earthly or temporary advantages, this advantage would never leave his disciples. The Holy Spirit would allow Christ’s message of the coming Kingdom to go forward in ways that would not have been otherwise possible if Jesus hadn’t completed His mission. Easter brings so many emotions with it. From despair in the death of Christ on Good Friday to the waiting and mourning of Saturday to the elation of the resurrection on Sunday, we see the fullness of the gospel revealed. Today, the Kingdom of God is expanding to all nations and to every corner of the earth by the power of the Holy Spirit. It is easy for us to see now that it truly was to our advantage that Jesus would give His life for each of us. That said, you may be feeling as though you are disadvantaged at this present moment. Perhaps, you have been in a season where you have seen little or no progress in some areas of your life. I know that for me, the daily challenges of being a great husband, father of three and being a great Christ like example in the world today can leave me feeling as if I have lost my advantage. My prayer for us today is to be reminded and hold fast to the great promise Jesus made to all who follow him. His promised Holy Spirit is alive in us and is the only advantage we will ever need. By His Spirit, we know the truth and can live each day with purpose and hope. By His Spirit, we always have the advantage.
March 10, 2021
Matthew 26 Currently, some of our FCA teammates are reading one of Martin Luther King’s last books called Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community ? Here, Dr. King maps out the racial tensions that were occurring 54 years ago, and espouses that as a society we have a choice about how we view one another and respond to those who might not “look” like us on the outside. In his writing, Dr. King states “We still have a choice today: nonviolent coexistence or violent coannihilation. This may well be mankind’s last chance to choose between chaos or community.” In addition, we believe that Dr. King would agree that going beyond coexistence is essential. It involves not just nonviolence but compassion and empathy. Much of our societal unrest hasn’t changed much since Dr. Kings time. Racism continues to be one of our most divisive issues in our nation. But, my Christian brothers and sisters, we cannot allow the messaging of the world to seep in and create a negative mindset. Instead we must look at the opportunities that exist to love people. As Christians, our response to such a polarizing issue should be to live as Christ lived, and bring hope to a world that is broken and torn apart by the sin of racism. Jesus’s death and the promise it gives us for eternal life brings joy, and the peace of God which transcends all understanding (Philippians 4:7) that those around us will recognize. Unlike the world around us, if we remain confident in this truth our hearts will not remain in a state of unrest. The world wants to complicate things, but there is a very simple answer when it comes to loving your neighbor. That answer can only be found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Scripture points us to what it looks like to follow Dr. King’s approach of non-violence fueled by a greater purpose. In Matthew 26, while Jesus and his disciples are in the Garden of Gethsemane, when the Romans arrive to arrest Him, Peter, coming to Jesus’ defense, draws his sword. But, Jesus scolds him, and tells him to put away his sword. Even at that very moment when Jesus knew he was soon going to be unjustly tortured for no good reason, Jesus did not want violence, and was willing to lay down His own life out of empathy and love for a hurting world. As we look to Jesus’s example, our prayer is that he would use each of us and that we would biblically make the choice of nonviolent coexistence that Dr. King spoke about. In doing so we can recognize and support those who are hurting in a way that ultimately points them back to the One who provides hope.
February 25, 2021
Read Luke 18: 15-29 My three children are of the ages where they can all sit on my lap. They have no agenda or specific wants, other than to just be there, in a place where they feel secure and loved. I certainly know that this will not last forever, but I am holding onto it for as long as I can. In these moments I am reminded of the many stories in the Gospel of Luke that tells us of the security that only Jesus can provide. In Luke Chapter 18 we see children trying to approach Jesus, but His disciples, wanting to give Jesus a break from the crowds, attempt to stop them. But Jesus teaches them, and the crowd surrounding Him, that He wants people to desire to come to Him, like little children, to have their needs met, just as my young children come to me for their safekeeping. In this chapter, Jesus also teaches a young ruler about eternal life. Desiring to know what good thing he must do to have eternal life, the ruler asks Jesus, “What must I do to be saved?” Jesus then tells him that to have life, he must be willing to give all he has to the poor and follow Him, and then he will have a treasure in heaven. The young ruler was not willing to do so. Instead of walking towards Jesus for his security, he walked away. We can say we want to follow Jesus, but if it’s not going to cost us anything, and if we don’t willingly come to Him, then we will be like the young ruler who walks away. We must set aside any other security we have in other things and come to Him, and trust Him for all our needs. We need to ask ourselves if there is anything we are putting our security and satisfaction in other than God, because that will likely be the very thing that prevents us from God’s protection and His will for our lives.
February 18, 2021
I was pastoring at the time when I first heard about FCA. I had been in ministry for 10 years when I was told about the opportunity to invest in athletes and coaches at Fellowship of Christian Athletes. I played basketball and football growing up, and loved the idea of bringing the gospel to young men and their families. In March of 2018, I began my career with FCA at the University of Syracuse. Shortly after the first year, the coaches began to see how I was making a difference with their teams. A growing interest in bible studies began to form, and trust began to build. My pastoral background and my desire to make an impact on the lives of those kids, especially with African American men, began to merge together. I work with all of the men’s sports teams at the university, but I began to travel the most with the basketball team. Back in 2019, I was going to every game and every practice with them, and I loved it. I remember one particular game when we were playing Duke, and I had a one-on-one with a player. We had a beautiful talk and felt the Lord’s presence there with us. Duke is not an easy team to beat, and by the grace of God and a great turn out by that particular player, we pulled out a win! The young player gave a short testimonial at the end of the game, and I watched how the coaches and players could see that I was the real deal. God was planting seeds and He needed me there to water them. FCA is constantly investing in me, encouraging my own faith to grow. Ministry isn’t always easy. Often times we invest so much into those around us that we forget to devote time for ourselves. FCA holds me up, reminding me that I have people who are investing in me, rooting for me, praying for me. God consistently shows up. He opens doors with players, coaches, and donors, and I find such joy in it. There is a mantra I’ve always had since I started my role at FCA- “Love athletes for who they are, not what they do”, and I strive to do that every day. William is FCA Campus Director at Syracuse University and has been there since March of 2018. He is married to Melinda and has 4 children.
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November 16, 2021
Another year in the books of FCA Motocross & Off-Road Training Camp NY is complete and what a year! This was year 7 of NY camp and year 2 of transitioning from a kids’ training camp to a training camp that included the whole family! FCAMX Camp is 4 days/3 nights every August up in Remsen, NY on a private training facility that property owners Dan & Jodi Hudon built just for FCA! The families stay overnight on site in their campers, train motocross and off-road during the day and attend our ministry program each evening. This year we had over 240 people in attendance that consisted of kids, moms and dads riding and over 60 volunteers. We brought in 22 top level trainers from all over the country to help in our training program. This consisted of local experts as well as pros that race on the national level. This year was special as Pro Free Style Pioneer Ronnie Faisst from Kansas joined us for training and ministry. Ronnie pioneered the sport of Freestyle MX back in the early 2000’s with Brian Deegan, Mike Metzger and Travis Pastrana. Ronnie was a several time medalists in the Gravity Games, XGames and traveled the world doing events with Tony Hawk, Metal Militia Nuclear Cowboys, and The Warped and Dew Tours. Ronnie was featured in many Freestyle MX videos and on ESPN. In 2008, he gave his heart to Jesus and now combines his love for Moto with his love for Jesus. Ronnie was a great addition to this year’s FCA MX & Off-Road NY Camp! Our ministry program is our purpose and focus. Each evening was filled with worship, testimony and great preaching with Pastor Frank Thomas and Ronnie Faisst sharing his testimony. The message of God’s love through Jesus was shared and a time of altar ministry with opportunity was given on the last night. It was a great time of ministry, and many responded to the Lord’s invitation on the last evening. Each year we collect comment cards on the last day with many questions but 3 specific questions to their time involved in the ministry program. 19 people commented they received Jesus as their personal savior for the first time, 31 recommitted their life and relationship with Jesus and 20 said they are now more aware of what God requires and the need for salvation but did not make a decision (seeds!). Over 240 people heard the Love message of our Lord! We will finish the year with a few more events, attending year end award banquets for 3 different racing associations and we just finished with the Syracuse Stadium Cross at the NYS Fairgrounds. We are invited to these events and given the opportunity to pray for the event, share about the FCA ministry and specific events we are doing throughout the year. In the Spring, we will start up again with hauling the FCAMX trailer to area racing events where we set up, do track side ministry and have chapel services on weekends. We are very blessed and excited to be able to share the message of God’s love through His Son Jesus with well over a thousand people each year through FCA and the sport of Motocross! Thank You Jesus! For more information on FCA Motocross & Off-Road in NY contact Ed Stratton at
July 28, 2021
CLICK THE IMAGE ABOVE TO LISTEN! "For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires" Hebrews 4:12
June 10, 2021
FCA Upstate Lacrosse kicked-off the summer season with Training Camp, which according to our players, “It’s the best weekend of the year”. While this year will look a little different, the smiles from our coaches, athletes, and staff will bring a since of nostalgia and joy. Over the course of 2 weekends, we will be hosting 18 teams, which covers over 300 athletes and 54 Coaches. The goal of training camp and our lacrosse club is that we wouldn’t just grow in our skills and performance on the field, but that each coach and athlete would have a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church on and off the field. The lacrosse has been excellent, and fun. It’s been great to see the players so excited to see each other again after a crazy year of uncertainty, obstacles, and isolation. For me, the best part of Training Camp so far has been, how God is moving in our Huddle time, and the conversations that are taking place. This year our National FCA theme is Pursue. It’s based out of 1 Timothy 6:11 that states: “Purse righteousness and a godly life, along with faith, love, perseverance, and gentleness.” The Pursue theme has fostered deep conversations about what our players are pursuing, and most importantly to tell them the greatest pursuit of their life is after Jesus, well after training camp is over. - Katie Tutak | Upstate NY FCA Lacrosse Operations - Girls Director
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